Love at First Leggings

Love at First Leggings

The Amelia Dress from LuLaRoe $65. It has pockets, too! Click here for the wedges and bracelet info.

The Amelia Dress from LuLaRoe $65. It has pockets, too! Click here for the wedges and bracelet info.

So, I wanted to share my new recent obsession – LuLaRoe.  Less than two month ago, my friend Sus asked me to join this online pop up boutique.  I was definitely skeptical at first.  Questions like, “What are they going to make me buy?” and “How much is this going to cost me?”  ran through my head.  I trusted Sus, so I joined the Facebook group to see what it was all about.  After all, she put her number in my phone as “Susan Is So Awesome” and I haven’t changed it since.  I saw the instructions that you had to claim a piece by commenting “SOLD” on it first, and thought “Oh Lordy”.  This seemed intense, and I didn’t know if I was ready to fight a B for a pair of leggings.  The boutique started at 8:30 p.m.  I was out having dinner, and playing trivia, so I briefly looked at the clothing, and went about my business.  I didn’t really get it.

Close up so you can see the sleeves. Note, my selfie game is not on point.

Close up so you can see the sleeves. Note, my selfie game is not on point.

Well, fast forward to the next afternoon.  I was procrastinating on doing my work, and decided to take a look at the clothing in the boutique again.  Low and behold, there was a super cute leopard print dress.  My FAVORITE color is leopard print.  I had to get it.  Since I was getting one thing, I figured I would scope out the other pieces of clothing.  For some reason, I saw that shipping was free if you spent over $150, so I figured I should do that.  Logical? No. I found out later that it was only like $50, but I’m just going to say it was fate that I bought all this LuLaRoe and fell in love.

While I loved my new Amelia dress, what really got me (and most women) was the leggings.  They are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn, including PJs (and yes I do wear them as PJs, too).  I also bought a green Irma tee, which is great with the leggings, since it’s a little longer in the back, because we’ve all heard the “leggings are not pants” mantra.  I also bought a super cute Azure skirt, but I’ll share that on another day.

My first pair of LuLaRoe leggings ($25). I went with black to be safe! The Irma is green with an Aztec pattern on it ($35). Here's info on the booties.

My first pair of LuLaRoe leggings ($25). I went with black to be safe! The Irma is green with an Aztec pattern on it ($35). Here’s a post I did on the booties.

Oh LuLaRoe, why do I love you so?  I think it’s because it meets so many of my requirements for clothes, which are…

  1.  Be comfy.  I’m a teacher.  I’ve got enough problems to deal with during the day!  Worrying about my clothes can’t be one of them.  99 problems and my clothes ain’t one!  Ok…I’m done.
  2. Look gooooood, but not too sexy.  I’ll admit it, I feel more confident when I feel put together (even though I’m secretly a hot mess on the inside.)
  3. Be reasonably priced.  LuLaRoe is not the cheapest, but it’s also not going to break the bank.  If I feel like something is worth it, I’ll buy it.

Well, that about wraps up my LuLaRoe obsession confession.  I want to feature outfits from you all as well!  They do not have to be LuLaRoe.  Just send me the deets and a picture or two and I might feature them on my blog.  Can’t wait to see your outfits.  Thanks!