Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello, World! (or at least the 3 people who have mistakenly clicked on my blog page).   I have been Emily of Alexandria for almost 8 years. Before that, I grew up in Rhode Island and went to Penn State (WE ARE!). I decided to start this blog for a few different reasons. I’m thirty-one and I feel like it’s a transition stage for me. I recently got married to my handsome and goofy husband, Craig.  We’re in that state where we still like to go out and have a good

Craig & Carlos. The loves of my life!

Craig & Carlos. The loves of my life!

time, but we also really love lounging on the couch and binge watching our favorite shows. We try to eat healthy about 75% of the time, but neither of us is good at staying on a diet, and our love for cheese often wins out.  I do love to workout, and coach cross country, but busy days sometimes keep me from the gym or a run.  My sister just had her first baby (shout out to little Freyja Jane…not pronounced “Frasier Crane” as Craig fondly calls her), so I’ve proudly taken on the role of auntie. Craig and I are hoping to give our cat, Carlos, a human brother or sister in the next few years, but we’ll see! I’m at the point where I should probably get rid of those “clubbing clothes” and “is that a dress or a shirt” outfits (OK…maybe I should have gotten rid of those 5+ years ago).   In my defense, I haven’t really been wearing them…it’s just tough to let go!  We’re looking to go from renting a one bedroom apartment to renting a townhouse.  Those are big dreams, though (the DC area is expensive!).  I may have to settle for a two bedroom instead.  A visit to our apartment might make one suspect that we are hoarders, so we definitely need more room.  As I’ve hit the big 3-0 and passed it, I feel like I should probably have my s*** together, but (confession) most of the time I’m a hot mess.   So, I’m always looking

Freyja sporting her sassy pacifiers from yours truly. See below for info on where I bought them.

Freyja sporting her sassy pacifiers from yours truly. See below for info on where I bought them.

for things to help with the day to day stresses like:

  •  Looking presentable (OK…I lied. You know we want people to be like, “dammmmmn girrrrrl, where’d you get that?”)
  • Making sure my family does not go hungry or eat Domino’s everyday
  • Saving money (more “I only paid $13 for these cute shoes, and less you need to clip coupons every week)
  • Saving time (I have recently become semi-obsessed with subscriptions and hope to share my experiences with you).

I also recently took the plunge and decided to become aLularoe Meme Lularoe consultant. I have never done anything like this, butin roughly a month , I have gone from “What’s Lularoe?” to “I am obsessed.” It’ll be a couple months before I get any of their awesome clothes to share with you, but I can’t wait! I’m hoping this will also be a space
for you all to share your experiences, dress or accessories that you got for a steal, and other all around awesome ideas.   Let’s help each other rock life and look good doing it. So to recap, please come back to my blog for:

  • Clothing, shoes & accessory steals (w/occasional splurges) and info on where I got them.
  • Reviews of subscriptions and recipes I’ve tried.
  • Reviews of places and/or experiences I’ve had.
  • Lularoe!
  • Sharing of any of the above.

I’m going to wrap this blog up, before I get into TLDNR territory. Don’t worry if you have to Urban Dictionary that acronym. I teach high school students, so I basically have to have that website up at all times, or live in my “ignorance is bliss” state when it comes to what the kids are talking about.    Thanks for reading! <3 <3 Em

Shop:  Sassy Pacifiers $8.99 at Amazon