30 Day Challenge – Yoga with Adriene – My Experience

30 Day Challenge – Yoga with Adriene – My Experience

For the past several years, I have “done” the Yoga with Adriene 30 Day Challenge that she shares every January for free on YouTube.  I put “done” in quotation marks, because the 30 day challenge usually takes me until the fall to complete.  

Basically, I take a lot of breaks in between!  This year, I did skip a couple days here and there, but was able to finish it by the first week of February.  While I may not have done it perfectly, I was still proud of myself for completing it in a semi-timely manner.  

As a busy working mom of a toddler, it was a great opportunity to make sure I took some time for myself every single day.  My husband knew not to bug me when I went into the basement to do my yoga.  I’m going to share some specific things I liked about Yoga with Adriene, but I think taking 30+ days to do anything for yourself or to make something a habit is a great practice.  I often get bogged down with all the tasks of daily life and getting my work done, and I find myself putting off things that make me me, like exercising and doing other things I enjoy.  Maybe I should rephrase that.  I wouldn’t say I enjoy the pain of working out, but I love the feeling after a workout, and also just feeling strong in general.  I grew up being a runner and a swimmer, so exercise has always been a part of my life in some capacity.  Okback to Yoga with Adriene.  

This year’s theme was “Breath”, which was perfect after THE year 2020 has been.  Throughout the practice, Adriene incorporates the theme by going over different breathing techniques that are commonly used in yoga.  Adriene is an amazing teacher.  Her voice is very calming, and she often makes awkward jokes, which I appreciate.  She is welcoming to everyone, whether you are a first time yogi or have been practicing for years.  She has designed each daily practice to include rest when you need it, and hard days when you need those.  Day 8 is one of my favorites, where you get to use a blanket and a pillow and it is basically guided relaxation.  Don’t mind if I do!  The classes last from 15 to 38 minutes, except for the first and last class which are around 50 minutes.  All you need is a yoga mat or towel, some comfy workout clothes, water, and YouTube.

  It is completely free.  Don’t worry if you are out of shape.  I definitely was!  Plank pose was not my friend, but by staying consistent I felt stronger and more in shape by the end of the 30 days.  On the last day of the 30 day challenge, she doesn’t use verbal cues.  At first, I kept looking up at the screen to see what to do, and really hated it!  Then, I realized you’re meant to flow and do what your body feels it needs.  I stopped looking at the screen, started listening to my body, and doing the moves she had been teaching us throughout the month.  I can’t close out my thoughts on Yoga with Adriene without mentioning her dog Benji.  He calmly sits beside her during every class, and occasionally joins her for some cuddle time.  I don’t know how he is so zen.  My pup Rizzo loves to join me, but runs around and jumps on me, thinking I am trying to play rather than zen out.

Maybe yoga isn’t your thing.  There are tons of different 30 day challenges you could embark on.  Maybe your challenge is just to get outside each day, whether it is through walking, hiking, or running.  Maybe you want to drink 8 cups a water or make sure you floss everyday.  Perhaps, you want to challenge yourself to make a home cooked meal everyday.  Or you could pick up an old hobby, like painting, and make sure you do that for 30 minutes a day.

I thought about what makes a good challenge and here is what I came up with: 

  • The task must be doable, but just challenging enough.  If I had tried to jump into 2 hours of power yoga everyday, there is no way I would have made it past Day 3.  
  • The task must be measurable.  I love making lists and checking things off.  It keeps my wandering brain focused.  Each day I could check off that I completed my daily video class with Adriene.  If I made a 30 day challenge to be happy every day, it would be harder to determine if I had completed it or not.  
  • The task must make you feel better.  It could be something you used to love that you don’t do anymore, or it could be something you have always wanted to try.  It could be something that will improve your physical or mental health.  Or it could be all of the above!  

Whatever you choose, I wish you the best!  Remember, if you miss a day, it isn’t game over.  Just pick up the next day, and keep moving forward.  

Have you tried yoga with Adriene or any other 30 day challenges?  What did you think?  How was your experience?  What do you think makes a good 30 day challenge?  If you have any questions about it that I didn’t answer, let me know in the comments or shoot me a message at emily@emilyofalexandria.com.   

Intro Video to Breath with Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpWa4LtKe4c